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Starting a game - I need a Lassie.

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Starting a game - I need a Lassie. - Page 3 Empty Re: Starting a game - I need a Lassie.

Post  allikitty699 Wed May 11, 2011 1:54 am

((I'll be honest, I'm a tad stuck. D: ))

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Starting a game - I need a Lassie. - Page 3 Empty Re: Starting a game - I need a Lassie.

Post  Aura Hummingbird Wed May 11, 2011 1:57 am

(( Me too LOL, I say wait for Antivertigo's next post, and we'll see about getting Shawn up and out of the hospital room so that we can y'know...actually do something. ))
Aura Hummingbird
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Starting a game - I need a Lassie. - Page 3 Empty Re: Starting a game - I need a Lassie.

Post  Antivertigo Wed May 11, 2011 10:53 am

(Dude, we just had this huge storm last night. Seriously, it woke me up, and about ten minutes after it did, the power went out. And after that, the warning siren for a tornado went off. D: But, obviously, the power's back on now. Oh, and I'm sorry for the following butchery of medical science. I tried to do a bit of research, but nothing is truly conclusive to pneumonia leading to heart failure, so I had to come up with an explanation. ^.^;; )

Karmin could see how Shawn was struggling to stay awake for their short conversation, so she tried to keep it brief. "Well, it appears it's a bacterial infection, and from the sound of things you have some buildup in your lungs." She hesitated for a moment, not sure Shawn would actually want to hear the next part.

"What about his heart?" Gus interjected. "How would an infection cause him to have a heart attack?"

"Heart failure." She corrected. "To be honest, there is no direct correlation that has been proven between pneumonia and heart failure, but it's thought that the increased amount of white blood cells can choke off the amount of oxygen available in the blood, which can starve the walls of the heart and weaken it."

Gus raised his eyebrows. That was some pretty detailed information coming from a nurse.

Catching the look, Karmin shrugged slightly. "I get around in this wing a lot." She looked back at the rest of the group gathered around Shawn's bed, eyeing the one who'd asked if his friend could go back to work. "Your doctor will know more, Mr. Spencer, but he'll probably want to keep you for a few more days and start you up on some better antibiotics. 'Til then, try to get some rest." She turned to leave then, but not before Gus stopped her with his business card and a charmed smile. She took it, partly just to humor him, and strode out into the hallway.

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Starting a game - I need a Lassie. - Page 3 Empty Re: Starting a game - I need a Lassie.

Post  Aura Hummingbird Thu May 12, 2011 1:47 pm

((Apologies for 2 reasons - A) This post is lengthy, B) I'm ending it with Shawn getting out of the hospital - anything I say to your characters feel free to respond accordingly just, by the end of your next post be - not at the hospital.))

Shawn listened to every word Karmin was saying, stronger anti-biotics....awesome. Shawn had always been the type of kid who needed to be force fed stuff like tylenol whenever he had a fever, a trait that minimilized by the time he was an adult but still existed. Shawn wasn't worried though, that's what Gus was for! He fed his best friend a rather humorous and shit-eating grin. "Looks like we're going shopping for post-it notes." Whenever Gus had to remind Shawn to do anything, post-it notes were usually involved and could be found all over Shawn's apartment. It was fun times. Karmin left then, and Shawn was cocking an eyebrow at his friend now. "Did you just slip your number to my nurse? Dude, I thought we established boundries in this department." Shawn was bothering Gus now, it was comfortable and easy for him, his own way of making himself feel better. "Do I need to remind you what happened when I dated your dentist?"

((OOC: For Lassie's benefit, I think it should be established that Gus' dentist was a guy Very Happy ))

Fatigue then. Oh Fatigue. Shawn's head spun a bit, and by the time Gus finished talking Shawn was out cold. Whatever the others did after that was completely lost to him, he was up a few hours later when his Dr. finally got around to popping his head into the room. Everything he had to say the Nurse had already tanslated, and as Karmin said he spent the next few days in the hospital. Not trapped though, whatever anti-biotitcs he was given seemed to be working a little too good....on his last day in the hospital Karmin had caught him sneaking down to the cafe to steal a fruit cup.

"Didn't your family members give you enough pineapple?" She would ask, and Shawn would give a grin and a nervous laugh.
"I ate it all."

The next day he was up and out, and was currently sitting in the lobby waiting for someone to come and pick him up. Dressed in clothes his dad had gone and grabbed for him it was unsurprising that he had a sour look on his face. The golf shirt he wore was cherry red and pink (Henry argued it was salmon) the pattern being of farm pigs playing golf in straw hats. His dad must've put the shirt in his clothes pile as a joke..."We'll see how funny the jokes is when I get him a tea-cup pig for his next birthday..." Shawn spoke to no one in particular but glancing down at his shirt Shawn had to laugh a bit, his dad timed his stay perfectly by the time Shawn was released it was the only clean shirt Shawn had left. So depending on who picked him up, the first words out of Shawn's mouth would be. "We need to go pay my dad a visit, I wanna show off my shirt."

However if the vehicle that pulled up to grab him was his dad's truck, Shawn would be in the passenger seat pulling at his shirt like it was made of cactus. "God...oh god...the hurts..." He was being over dramatic on purpose.

Aura Hummingbird
Aura Hummingbird

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Starting a game - I need a Lassie. - Page 3 Empty Re: Starting a game - I need a Lassie.

Post  allikitty699 Fri May 13, 2011 1:41 am

((ROFL. Henry's shirts. XDDD Also, Antivertigo: I'm glad you guys didn't have a tornado! D: And I hope nothing else got hurt in the storm.))

Carlton Lassiter was never a "fashionable" man, but even he knew to wince when he saw Spencer's shirt. "Sweet lady justice, Spencer. What are you wearing?" When the psychic opened his mouth to reply, Lassiter waved the comment away. "Nevermind. Just go get in the car."
Lassiter had been feeling incredibly awkward since the day Spencer had gotten sick. He had visited him every day in the hospital, but only when he was asleep. He had been leaving pineapple smoothies on his nightstand with notes signed "From Gus." He didn't know if the younger man had been tricked. He could only hope as he half-dragged Spencer out of the lobby. "Are you... feeling better?" He tried to make it sound like he didn't care, even though he'd been half-tackling doctors and nurses every day, trying to get updates on Spencer's condition without actually having to talk to Henry, Gus, or Spencer himself.

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Starting a game - I need a Lassie. - Page 3 Empty Re: Starting a game - I need a Lassie.

Post  Aura Hummingbird Fri May 13, 2011 12:53 pm

allikitty699 wrote:((ROFL. Henry's shirts. XDDD Also, Antivertigo: I'm glad you guys didn't have a tornado! D: And I hope nothing else got hurt in the storm.))

Carlton Lassiter was never a "fashionable" man, but even he knew to wince when he saw Spencer's shirt. "Sweet lady justice, Spencer. What are you wearing?" When the psychic opened his mouth to reply, Lassiter waved the comment away. "Nevermind. Just go get in the car."
Lassiter had been feeling incredibly awkward since the day Spencer had gotten sick. He had visited him every day in the hospital, but only when he was asleep. He had been leaving pineapple smoothies on his nightstand with notes signed "From Gus." He didn't know if the younger man had been tricked. He could only hope as he half-dragged Spencer out of the lobby. "Are you... feeling better?" He tried to make it sound like he didn't care, even though he'd been half-tackling doctors and nurses every day, trying to get updates on Spencer's condition without actually having to talk to Henry, Gus, or Spencer himself.

Shawn got in the car with a hop,skip, and a jump. "Feeling fine now." Shawn happily announced. "Though I'm a little confused." He had to admit, he was expecting Gus to come and get him. "I didn't think you'd be the one picking me up." Shawn grinned. "But thank you.....for real." Shawn didn't like to think of where'd he be right now if Lassie hadn't come over, and he kicked himself repeatedly for getting that sick. Of course it didn't make sense to him at all, he remembered feeling just fine before he woke up that morning - then there was a the troubling thought he still couldn't remember what he had been doing the night before and while in the hospital he had gone over it a thousand times. It always went like this -
He would leave the police station,
Say bye to Gus for the night,
Grab his flashlight and leave for the pet store...
Look around the front of store for about 10 minutes, head into the back aaaaaaaand.......that was it. He didn't even remember what the back of the store looked like, he just woke up in his bed feeling like he had been hit by a truck. Did he dream the whole thing? Did he even go to the pet store that night? Bah! It was all so confusing, which was alarming for someone with the sense of detail Shawn had.

Shawn realised then that he had fallen quiet, over thinking the whole matter - and that as a result Lassie was staring at him. Shawn blushed in spite of himself. "Trying to get back in the game." Shawn said sheepishly. "The pet store homicide." Shawn asked. "Did anyone get brought in? Any leads? What about video cameras, did the pet store have any security cams?" He wasn't sure why he was asking Lassie so many questions, maybe to distract himself. The way Lassie stared at him burned, something about Lassie's stare was different then it normally was and Shawn didn't know how to respond.
Aura Hummingbird
Aura Hummingbird

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Starting a game - I need a Lassie. - Page 3 Empty Re: Starting a game - I need a Lassie.

Post  Antivertigo Sat May 14, 2011 1:52 pm

(My apologies again. When I posted, the power came back on for like ten minutes, then immediately back off. Apparently the power bill hadn't been paid in two months. x.x And allikitty: I'm not sure if anyone did during the storm, but some tornadoes did touch down, down the road a tree snapped in half thirty feet up, and there was a motorcycle accident yesterday. D: Oh, and Gus is in the back of the car. Lol.)

Feeling the urge to smack Shawn in the back of the head, Gus restrained himself and settled for admonishing him. "For your information, my car is in the shop. Apparently, someone stuffed pineapple in the A/C vents." He still wasn't sure if Shawn had done it, or if he'd bribed someone else to do it, but he was wholly convinced the psychic had something to do with the incident. He crossed his arms, also still mad that Lassiter had made him sit in the back. Shawn would've been just fine back here. Why did he have to be the one to look like a convict?

But besides all that, the detective knew more about the case than he did at this point. He hadn't been able to do more than check up on financial records over the internet. He'd have to tell Shawn later.

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Starting a game - I need a Lassie. - Page 3 Empty Re: Starting a game - I need a Lassie.

Post  allikitty699 Mon May 16, 2011 4:26 am

((Antivertigo: I really hope everyone's okay. And I know how the bills thing goes; it's all good.))

Lassiter cocked an eyebrow at Gus in the rear view mirror, confused. "How do you even get pineapple in an AC vent?" He shook his head and waved his hand. He was pretty sure he didn't really want to know.

Turning back to Spencer, he was a little surprised by the barrage of questions. He smirked. "What, are you telling me you can't divine the answer?" he teased, trying to regain a little bit of his snarky attitude. He was embarrassed that Spencer had thanked him, and even more embarrassed for getting embarrassed. What are you, a teenager? Still, he continued. "There's an ex-employee we're taking a look at. He was fired six months ago, and he's been known to throw violent fits. We just don't have a lot of evidence. There were security cameras, but the tapes were all stolen. There was no forced entry, even though the whole building was locked when the owner was killed, so we suspect someone who had a key." Lassiter sat up a little straighter. He was proud of himself for the work he'd done. He was almost positive that it was the fired employee.

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Starting a game - I need a Lassie. - Page 3 Empty Re: Starting a game - I need a Lassie.

Post  allikitty699 Wed May 18, 2011 10:49 pm

((Oh crap. Please don't tell me I killed this RP. D: ))

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Starting a game - I need a Lassie. - Page 3 Empty Re: Starting a game - I need a Lassie.

Post  Aura Hummingbird Wed May 18, 2011 11:20 pm

allikitty699 wrote:((Antivertigo: I really hope everyone's okay. And I know how the bills thing goes; it's all good.))

Lassiter cocked an eyebrow at Gus in the rear view mirror, confused. "How do you even get pineapple in an AC vent?" He shook his head and waved his hand. He was pretty sure he didn't really want to know.

Turning back to Spencer, he was a little surprised by the barrage of questions. He smirked. "What, are you telling me you can't divine the answer?" he teased, trying to regain a little bit of his snarky attitude. He was embarrassed that Spencer had thanked him, and even more embarrassed for getting embarrassed. What are you, a teenager? Still, he continued. "There's an ex-employee we're taking a look at. He was fired six months ago, and he's been known to throw violent fits. We just don't have a lot of evidence. There were security cameras, but the tapes were all stolen. There was no forced entry, even though the whole building was locked when the owner was killed, so we suspect someone who had a key." Lassiter sat up a little straighter. He was proud of himself for the work he'd done. He was almost positive that it was the fired employee.

Shawn gave a grin, why yes he was responsible for the pineapple in the AC - it wasn't supposed to break the Ac just make Gus' car smell like pineapple whenever he turned on the AC........There was a chance he was slightly intoxicated when this occurred. "I will scrape the pineapple out of the vent." Shawn promised. "Ex-employee." Shawn repeated, the day before he had done his own investigation he had asked about old employees so that at least wasn't new to him... Not that Lassie knew that. "R............" Shawn said, "It starts with............R......Ran.......Randy.........Raj.........Randall!" Shawn looked victorious. "Your suspect is a Randall." Now as to whether or not Randall was the murderer was still a question. As for the security cameras - that made Shawn suspicious. The pet store wasn't a new building, and the security wasn't up to speed there. Straining his memory Shawn could make out the camera the night he investigated solo - just as he was passing into the back room. He remembered the flashing red light, which meant that the cameras were recording, which meant that they didn't get stolen until the night before Shawn woke up with pneumonia. Red lights were going off in his head then, big ones at that. He heard of some chemicals that could give you pneumonia if you breathed them in too much - but he couldn't name any off the top of his head and choloroform was way too basic. Was he jumped from behind that night? Shawn had no idea, no one mentioned anything about physical injury but just in case Shawn started touching the back of his head, looking for a bump and or a tender area. His guess was spot on, not two minutes of feeling around and did he feel a very small but noticeable bit of pain, the tender area wasn't all that big. "Gus." Shawn said then. "Since you're behind me, will you take a look at my head where my finger's are? Tell if there's anything there that shouldn't be there."
Aura Hummingbird
Aura Hummingbird

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Starting a game - I need a Lassie. - Page 3 Empty Re: Starting a game - I need a Lassie.

Post  Antivertigo Thu May 19, 2011 12:37 am

Gus scrunched up his eyebrows at Shawn's request. But he sounded like he was on to something, so he moved forward to do as he asked. "Move your hands." He gently probed at the spot, and came back surprised when he found a small bump there. Maybe someone had hit him or injected him with something, but he needed more light to see if there was a bruise or not. So he flicked on the little light on the roof to further inspect.

Nope, no marks of injection. He started to move back and reprimand Shawn once again when he noticed a discoloration further down his neck. "Dude." He pulled down his collar and found the telltale signs of a recovering injection site--one that wasn't sterilized at that. "Oh, ew! Shawn, someone got you with a dirty needle! Dude, that's gross! You better be glad you were just at the hospital."

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Starting a game - I need a Lassie. - Page 3 Empty Re: Starting a game - I need a Lassie.

Post  allikitty699 Wed May 25, 2011 11:58 pm

((Sorry for the lateness, guys. We've been short two people at work, so I've been making up their time. >_>))

Lassiter had rolled his eyes at Spencer's "divination," but his irritation quickly left him when he heard Guster's comment. He jerked the car over to the side of the road so hard he felt the tire hit the curb. He half-yanked Spencer over, pulling his collar down and grimacing. "Dammit, Spencer!" He knew it wasn't the other man's fault, but anger was welling up in his chest. He tried to tell himself that he was annoyed at the hospital staff for not doing their jobs properly, but even he had to acknowledge the worry beneath the surface. "How did those idiot doctors not notice that? I should have them all investigated for malpractice!"

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Starting a game - I need a Lassie. - Page 3 Empty Re: Starting a game - I need a Lassie.

Post  Aura Hummingbird Thu May 26, 2011 10:32 am

allikitty699 wrote:((Sorry for the lateness, guys. We've been short two people at work, so I've been making up their time. >_>))

Lassiter had rolled his eyes at Spencer's "divination," but his irritation quickly left him when he heard Guster's comment. He jerked the car over to the side of the road so hard he felt the tire hit the curb. He half-yanked Spencer over, pulling his collar down and grimacing. "Dammit, Spencer!" He knew it wasn't the other man's fault, but anger was welling up in his chest. He tried to tell himself that he was annoyed at the hospital staff for not doing their jobs properly, but even he had to acknowledge the worry beneath the surface. "How did those idiot doctors not notice that? I should have them all investigated for malpractice!"

((Its totes cool.))

Shawn knew it, he freaking knew it! Something had happened to him when he went to the pet store. Really Pneumonia? It did seem too weird. "Dammit all." Shawn cursed lightly to himself. Hid curse however quickly turned into an overly girly "eee!" sound as Lassie grabbed his shirt to examine the spot for himself. "Hate to be the one to say this Lassiefrass, but I don't think the hospital did this...." Besides, Shawn doubted people noticed the back of your neck if trying to revive you - that usually went down in the front. Shawn waited for Lassie to let him go, and when he didn't Shawn thought it was funny. "Gus, its happening, Lassie finally snapped, he's going to kill me!" Shawn flailed a little in his seat.
Aura Hummingbird
Aura Hummingbird

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Starting a game - I need a Lassie. - Page 3 Empty Re: Starting a game - I need a Lassie.

Post  allikitty699 Fri May 27, 2011 1:47 am

Lassiter growled and pushed the psychic off of his lap. "They were supposed to look you up and down and try and figure out how you could possibly get pneumonia in Santa Barbara! Who was looking after you, Dr. Pepper?" You're not angry because it was Spencer, he told himself. You just don't want to see anyone get taken advantage of. It's your job to protect people. You're just doing your job. It was then that he realized, with horror, that his hand was still on the back of Spencer's neck, just below the injection site. He pulled back like he'd been burned and threw the car back into drive.

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Starting a game - I need a Lassie. - Page 3 Empty Re: Starting a game - I need a Lassie.

Post  Antivertigo Fri May 27, 2011 5:42 pm

Gus rolled his eyes at both of them. Sometimes, neither one of them realized just how ridiculous they sounded together. "Hey, Dr. Pepper is on my route. He doesn't work at the hospital." He shook his head. Weren't these supposed to be detectives? "Besides, something like that is easy to miss, and Shawn spent a lot of time on his back." He paused. "You know, lying down." Exactly why was he trying to placate Lassiter again?

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Starting a game - I need a Lassie. - Page 3 Empty Jules

Post  Cephysus Sat May 28, 2011 11:53 pm

((Ho ho ho you guys toooootally need a Jules in on this! i'm seeing lots of ganging up on Shawn and Lassie with Gus, and perhaps a bit of help with the investigation? let me know if it's cool for me ta jump in on this guys! i'm in the UK tho, dunno who else is, so let me know about timings i don't wanna stop you guys from rping. -Ceph))

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Starting a game - I need a Lassie. - Page 3 Empty Re: Starting a game - I need a Lassie.

Post  allikitty699 Sun May 29, 2011 8:25 pm

Cephysus wrote:((Ho ho ho you guys toooootally need a Jules in on this! i'm seeing lots of ganging up on Shawn and Lassie with Gus, and perhaps a bit of help with the investigation? let me know if it's cool for me ta jump in on this guys! i'm in the UK tho, dunno who else is, so let me know about timings i don't wanna stop you guys from rping. -Ceph))

((Yaaaaaaaaay! Lassie gets a Jules! Very Happy As long as it's okay with everyone else, I think you can just start posting. That's what everyone's kinda been doing. I will try to bring Jules in this post.))

Lassiter had to try not to roll his eyes at Guster's corrections, but he knew that he was right about the injection getting skipped over. He was still miffed. Wasn't it a doctor's job to find out not only what was wrong with someone, but what caused it? He wasn't annoyed because it was Spencer. Nope. Not at all. In fact, it probably made him less annoyed. He shook his head, trying to force out any thoughts about the psychic. Trying to distract himself from thinking about the man sitting next to him, he pulled out his phone and called O'Hara. She should know that Spencer was out of the hospital; he was sure she'd been worried sick about him since he was admitted.

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Starting a game - I need a Lassie. - Page 3 Empty Re: Starting a game - I need a Lassie.

Post  Cephysus Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:14 am

((Sorry for the delay exams and all that!))

Juliet had been pacing back and forth by her desk for well over an hour. Nobody had told her anything. She knew Shawn had been admitted to the hospital, but details were severely lacking. Where was Carlton!!? Why hadn't he told her anything yet? She ignored the worried glances Buzz kept giving her and sank into her desk chair with a scowl that was not usually seen on her face. Shawn was so reckless, what could he possibly have done now? Suddenly her phone rang and she desperately began searching for it. Rummaging around in her bag she sighed in frustration, phones were always at the bottom when they begun to ring. Finding it and snapping it open she brought it to her ear.
"Carlton! what's going on? How's Shawn? Is he okay? Why didn't you ring me earlier!? Where's Gus? Does Henry know yet? Should I come over there?" she rattled off worriedly.

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Starting a game - I need a Lassie. - Page 3 Empty Re: Starting a game - I need a Lassie.

Post  Aura Hummingbird Mon Jun 06, 2011 12:52 am

((Okay, so I had a post. A really long post even. But then the computer I was on decided to shut down and the post got lost. It was horrible! I just haven't had the energy to try again, not too worry though because I will at some point this week and then we can get this game back rolling and hopefully get the forum active again! I thank ye for your patience!))
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Aura Hummingbird

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