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Power Rangers: Psych Force

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Power Rangers: Psych Force Empty Power Rangers: Psych Force

Post  Aura Hummingbird Sat Apr 30, 2011 1:57 am

Okay, so yeah. I was bored, no one was online. Whoa was me, I was on the verge of just throwing in the towel and going to bed when I made an amazing discovery; my Psych DVDs where on my shelf situated right next to Mighty Morphing Power Rangers the movie. So I ingested some sugar, booted up my photo shop and thus – you have this! – This isn’t going to be fic lol, at least I don’t think it’s going to be a fic, but I put it in cross over fiction because I honestly have no idea where else it would fit haha.

Power Rangers: Psych Force

The Plot: Santa Barbara has fallen victim to an alien invasion, the opposing forces simply calling themselves ‘The Strangers.’ They arrived on Earth with the intent of ruling the Universe using the power of six legendary coins that have said to have been hidden there centuries ago. The coins however were only made for good. Thus during the attack the coins awakened, and arose from their hiding places deep within the ocean, immediately lending their powers to six individuals. Each individual with their unique skills now must come together and form a team of rangers, determined to rid Santa Barbara of ‘The Strangers’ and save the world from the forces of darkness once and for all.


Shawn Spencer:
Shawn is a light hearted and charismatic individual who was chosen to carry the powers of the Green Power Coin, and with the coin was given the ability to morph into the Green Ranger . Humorous and eccentric, he sees the world through the eyes of a child and always seems to know more then he lets on. When morphed into his ranger form he is granted heightened strength and senses. While un-morphed the coin when called upon will often give Shawn the power of foresight allowing him to see no more than 5 minutes into the future. Unlike the other coins, the green power coin requires a great deal of energy to possess and often leaves Shawn exhausted to the point of passing out after battles. This never seems to sway Shawn however, and he often laughs at his own expense whilst always convincing his love interest Carlton to carry him home after battles.

Carlton Lassiter:
Carlton is a hard-headed logical type who was chosen to carry the powers of the Red Power Coin, and with the coin was given the ability to morph into the Red Ranger . Straight to the point but extremely loyal, he has no problems with carrying his team on his back. He even goes as far as to carry the blame in the event a member of the team is injured. When morphed he is granted heightened strength and senses. When un-morphed the coin when called upon will often give Carlton super human strength. The red power coin unlike the others is very picky and seems to have a personality of its own, if anyone other than Carlton tries to touch it they receive a small electrical shock. This however could be attributed to Carlton’s social skills. When not in battle, he’s often seen as awkward and has trouble communicating on a personal level, his odd word structure and good intentions often have to be translated to the group by Carlton’s friend Juliet.

Juliet O’Hara:
Juliet is a down to earth girl who still has random bouts of naivety; she was chosen to carry the powers of the yellow power coin. With the coin she’s given the ability to morph into the Yellow Ranger . Seeing the good in everybody and managing to point out the silver lining in every situation she is often the one turned to for comfort. When morphed she is granted heightened strength and senses. When un-morphed the coin when called upon will often give Juliet the ability to fly. The yellow power coin unlike the others can expand its energy, and is often used in battles to form temporary force fields around citizens who are unfortunate enough to be caught on the battlefield. Juliet sometimes has a hard time seeing why she was chosen to be a part of the team, often when she’s feeling insecure she usually calls her love interest Gus.

Burton Guster:
‘Gus’ is wildly intelligent and very technical. He was chosen to carry the power of the blue power coin. With the coin he’s given the ability to transform into the Blue Ranger . Easily exasperated and sometimes opinionated he sees flaws in almost every plan of action, but out of respect only speaks out when he’s sure someone might be hurt. When morphed he is granted heightened strength and senses. When un-morphed the coin when called upon will often give Gus the ability to temporarily stop time. This ability comes in particularly handy if by chance Gus’ long time friend Shawn foresees something sinister that could potentially be avoided. The blue power coin unlike the others is especially sensitive to technology and is capable of mimicking any computer system it comes into contact with. Gus often lends his power coin out during spy missions, always trusting his friend Buzz to use the coin to obtain any crucial information from enemy computers.

Buzz McNab:
Buzz is overly friendly and sometimes extremely clueless. He was chosen to carry the power of the black power coin. With the coin he’s given the ability to transform into the Black Ranger. Eager to impress but just as easily scorned – he often wonders if the team really needs him. When morphed he is granted heightened strength and senses. When un-morphed the coin when called upon will often give Buzz the power of invisibility. A skill he deems ironic since he often feels ignored by the others. The black power coin unlike the others can be used as a honing device, being able to find a team member in the event that they’re lost or kidnapped. Buzz is younger than most of the team by a few years and relies heavily on the commands of the others to see him through. When unsure of a situation the first one he turns to is always his mentor Karen.

Karen Vick:
Karen is strong willed and very determined. She was chosen to carry the power of the pink power coin. With the coin she’s given the ability to transform into the Pink Ranger. Uncaring of the opinions of others and vastly cultured it’s no surprise she surpasses the others in experience and age – even if just by a little. When morphed she is given heightened strength and senses. When un-morphed the coin when called upon will often give her super speed. This ability she finds useful, as she’s required to make various appearances a day in her line of work. The pink power coin unlike the others can duplicate itself for short spurts of time, in battle its often used to create carbon copies of the pink ranger should the team need extra assistance when fighting ‘The Strangers’ foot soldiers.

Power Rangers: Psych Force PRTeam

Last edited by Aura Hummingbird on Thu May 05, 2011 3:04 am; edited 1 time in total
Aura Hummingbird
Aura Hummingbird

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Join date : 2011-04-25
Age : 35
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Power Rangers: Psych Force Empty Re: Power Rangers: Psych Force

Post  LyricReilly Sat Apr 30, 2011 4:00 am

After reading your post, just out of curiousity, I looked to see where my Psych DVD's were situated on my movie shelves. Not sure how this would work, if it even would, but all four seasons are squeezed in between season 1 of The Apprentice and Seasons 1 & 2 of Early Edition, with my Sailor Moon and Sailor Moon S DVD's ending the stack....hmmmm.... Wink


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Power Rangers: Psych Force Empty Re: Power Rangers: Psych Force

Post  Aura Hummingbird Sat Apr 30, 2011 4:12 am

LyricReilly wrote:After reading your post, just out of curiousity, I looked to see where my Psych DVD's were situated on my movie shelves. Not sure how this would work, if it even would, but all four seasons are squeezed in between season 1 of The Apprentice and Seasons 1 & 2 of Early Edition, with my Sailor Moon and Sailor Moon S DVD's ending the stack....hmmmm.... Wink

If you get a crack idea like mine, and need assistance - I totally have photo shop haha.
Aura Hummingbird
Aura Hummingbird

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Age : 35
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